Rupantar has been the race director of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team since 1985, having been asked by Sri Chinmoy to serve in that capacity. As well as working on the big races the US Marathon Team organise each year - the 3100 Mile Race and the Six and 10 Day Race - he also spends a considerable amount of time archiving the Marathon Team's 40 year history on this website.
Harita en route to finishing the 2017 Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3,100-Mile Race.
Harita Davies of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team in New Zealand, was selected as one of the '2017 Inspiring People of the Year' by "Walking 4 Health", which was founded by Guinness World Record holder and 3100 Mile Race finisher Yolanda Holder.
In her first effort at the New York City based race, Harita finished the race just within the 52 day cutoff in a time of 51 days, 12 hours, 48 minutes and 14 seconds.
How was she able to climb this "Mt. Everest of Ultrarunning" (as described by the New York Times)?
As she cites in the article: "As it happened, right from the beginning the whole experience felt like I was flowing in the river of God’s Grace. Each day was a world unto itself, bringing with it new challenges on every level- especially physical and mental. Yet at the same time, the never-ending obstacles and challenges were teaching me so much!"For the complete article...