Does the swim really matter?

By Lance Watson

March 15, 2005 -- The swim in Ironman: you stand on the beach behind a thousand other wetsuit-clad athletes on Ironman morning, nervously adjusting your cap and goggles for the hundredth time. You focus intently on the string of buoys that represents the first hour (or two) of your race day.

Swimming 2.4 miles across open water is a defining part of the Ironman. For some athletes it represents the sum of their greatest challenges in learning how to swim or in conquering a fear of open-water swimming. For others, their swim will set them up for either a good day or a great day of racing. The swim may be the shortest of the three legs in an Ironman triathlon, but athletes still need to be prepared as the effort can impact the rest of their race.

The swim matters for different reasons, depending upon the skill level and experience of the athlete. A beginner Ironman athlete or a less proficient swimmer has to focus on swimming quickly enough to make the swim time cut-off, and training should focus on completing the distance comfortably and safely. Athletes who are nervous about open-water swimming can waste valuable energy in the water. To swim efficiently and well, the body needs to be relaxed and the mind needs to remain focused on technique and process. Here are a few tips to help you overcome your race-day open-water anxiety.

Swimming in close proximity to others: The best way to get used to swimming with others is through practice. Swim with buddies side-by-side in the lane in a pool to start. You know nothing can happen in a pool, so there is an element of safety, which can allow you to relax and focus on your stroke. Practice being bumped and having your arms and torso hit by other swimmers, as commonly occurs in mass-start event. When you feel ready, shift your training to open-water swimming and get as many people as you can to swim around you. Practice starts as well, even if you are a conservative starter.

Fear of losing goggles and the ability to see: It's no use wasting mental energy on what might or might not happen. The best strategy is to plan for success. Make sure your goggles fit snugly and that the strap runs under your swim cap. If you do lose your goggles, keep your cool, put them back on and don't worry about getting mad at whoever might have done it.

Fear of not being able to see the buoys and the course (thereby swimming off-course and going longer than necessary): The ability to follow the course is an important part of the swim, and learning how to sight while maintaining an effective stroke will boost your efficiency in the water. Practice sighting in a pool and during your open-water training sessions. Before a race, get as much information about the course as you can, from both the land and the water. Many Ironman courses are set up the week before the race. Take advantage of this and learn to look for landmarks that can help you if you lose sight of the buoys.

The benefits of a quick swim
If you are an advanced swimmer and are comfortable in open water, there are still a number of tactics that can help you to optimize your race-day performance. Learn to draft well and to look for the draft. Drafting economizes your effort out there and can result in superior swim times. Again being able to draft while maintaining efficiency is crucial to swimming economy and speed.

As well, exiting the water in under an hour will put you into the competitive zone, and you will come out of the water with fewer athletes. Your transition will be less congested and you will have clear roads at the start of the bike (and a clear head as you won't be worrying about draft marshals). Once the main swim bulge starts to arrive at T1 after about an hour, the bike start gets busy and it's harder to stay out of the draft zone.

If you already an efficient swimmer, you can do mini-focus block of swim training early in the season or during your Ironman build. Pick two or three x seven- to 10-day blocks of training where you top up your swim fitness. During the training block focus on increasing your swim frequency (swim five to seven times in seven days) and include a few key workouts. While you don't want to neglect your bike or run training to prepare for Ironman, being strong, confident and fast in the water should be one of your goals.

For more practice, try these sets:

Sighting: Swim 15-30 x 50 @ 20 seconds rest.

Alternate as:

#1: 25 head up (practice sighting)/25 head down with long stroke
#2: Sight every third stroke
#3: Head up and sight every fifth to seventh stroke

Note finish time and energy expenditure for each. Practice swimming quick and relaxed and being alert with changing head and body position. Try not to drop legs when lifting head.

Swimming in a crowd #1: Swim 10-20 x 50 @ 20 seconds rest. Three athletes side-by-side in one swim lane. Swim in close proximity. Stay relaxed and practice altering your stroke timing occasionally to avoid arm contact.

Swimming in a crowd #2: Swim 20-30 x 25 @ 30 seconds rest. Swim in a pack of five, with three athletes side-by-side in the first row followed by two in the second row a half-body-length behind. Sprint, trying to move quickly, yet stay relaxed.

Swimming in a draft: Swim 4-8 x 400 @ 1 minute rest. Swim in a paceline with two other swimmers of similar speed. Change the lead every 100 meters. Notice the difference in energy output from first in line to last. Try to stay relaxed despite the contact with other swimmers.

Start speed: Swim 10 x 150 @ 1 minute rest as 50 sprint/100 at your goal Ironman pace. Teach you body to tolerate a little lactic acid at the start and then settle into rhythm.

Over the past 17 years LifeSport president Lance Watson has coached a number of Ironman, Olympic and Age Group Champions. He enjoys coaching athletes of all abilities who are passionate about sport and personal excellence.

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