Carl Lewis (l) and Sri Chinmoy. Lewis is holding the Peace Run Torch, symbol of a global torch relay that seeks to promote harmony amongst people from all backgrounds.
"Carl Lewis Gives Autographed World Record Shoes to Sri Chinmoy." The North/West Facts (the northwest's largest African-American owned publication). September 11, 1991.
Carl Lewis sent his world record shoes to Sri Chinmoy, mentor and friend, for the peace leader's 60th birthday in New York. Lewis had broken the 100-meter world record before 75,000 spectators at he world Championship Games in Tokyo on August 25th. Lewis' record time of 9.86 beat former world record holder and teammate Leroy Burrell, who finished second in 9.88.
Carl Lewis autographed the shoes with '9.86' and thanked Sri Chinmoy on television for his help in winning the world record. Sri Chinmoy, who is known for his peace meditations, the arts and athletics, has advised Lewis on many occasions (as mentioned in Carl Lewis's book 'Inside Track') the peace leader talked with the track superstar by phone just before the meet and told Carl that now was the time to break the world record in Japan, the country that Lewis loves so dearly.
Before the Games, Carl performed Sri Chinmoy's theme song titled 'World Championships,' on Japanese television. Lewis will be present at a special awards dinner in New York on September 11 celebrating Sri Chinmoy's 60th birthday. The track star has been in Seattle on two occasions recently and met with local members of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team.