On Saturday morning, race set-up day, I packed my tent and supplies with some concern as the weather forecast predicted rain the whole weekend. The race would go on rain or shine but still… setting up all day in the rain, camping in the rain and putting on the race in the rain would certainly be uncomfortable. With this and some other concerns in my thoughts I headed outside with another load of gear when some color caught my eye. I looked up and saw the most beautiful and bright rainbow I had ever seen - as if to say – don’t worry, just play your role and let Grace take care of the rest.
For the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team (SCMT) in New York the Self-Transcendence Swim-Run is a day of pure joy. This year some 50 enthusiastic volunteers made the trek north from the City to enjoy the sparkling waters of Lake Welch, the peaceful green of the surrounding forest and the fresh air of this tranquil location… all the while decked out with bright orange vests, t-shirts and flags, encouraging and guiding the race participants with lots of smiles and energy.
Of course, the participants thoroughly enjoyed the race as well. The water temperature was nearly 80 degrees Fahrenheit and the weather was perfect as predicted by the rainbow the previous day. Participants in the swim/run, swim/run relay, and swim only race finished the 1K swim between 14:40 and 34:35 – the fastest swimmer was also the fastest runner and overall swim/run winner – Daniel Ferguson – completing the 10K run in 39:25 and the whole race in a time of 54:05. The fastest woman, Kelly McPherson, came in just 10 seconds behind the leader on the swim in a time of 14:50 and went on to place 5th overall and 1st for the women in the swim/run in a total time of 1:10:14. The fastest woman runner, Katherine Mayhew, competing in the 10K only race, finished the distance in 52:17.
This year we added online registration and the option to do the 1K swim or 10K run as separate events. We also did a lot of flyering at other races. As a result, we had a total of 87 people in the race this year – more than we’ve ever had before. Thinking back on this year’s event I smile at the memory of the relay team of Yakov and Nicholas – 82 years of age and 23 years of age – reminiscent of the SCMT’s long ago Green Leaves and Ripe Fruits races. I think of our SCMT member, Paree, who told me she’d been looking forward to this race all year and that she sincerely looks forward to it every year. And I think of Rambha, who grills the best corn at every race, with that secret barbeque sauce! May the smiles continue. Thank you Grace, for all the blessings.
More comments from Boijayanti Gomez-Badillo, race director:
This year’s Self-Transcendence Swim Run, held on Sunday, September 13 at Lake Welch Beach in New York, proved to be a joyous, sweet and unique event. With over 87 participants spanning 3 events (a swim/run, a 1 k swim, and a 10 k foot race), this year saw the largest number of participants the race has ever seen! Adiratha Keefe, a participant in the swim-run this year, said “I like the swim run because it encourages so many different levels of athletes.” He also said he enjoyed seeing the variety of age groups. Adhiratha received particular joy when he saw a relay team with an 83 year-old swimmer and a 24 year-old runner.
Rhamba Chapelle, a volunteer said it best when relating her experience: “The race was very well-organized, it was a beautiful day, and personally, it was a great experience for me, I truly felt as though I was serving humanity! Everyone should come to this race!”
Comment from Nemi, race volunteer:
This year my job was to flag the runners around a bend as they returned, three times, toward the starting point of their loop – a very simple job, but so many runners smiled and thanked me. Having been at the back of the pack myself for many years, I know how much it means to receive encouragement – and to be guided in the right direction! Sri Chinmoy taught us how to serve the participants in our races, and there are moments when we can feel that we are serving their souls.