About the author:

Rupantar has been the race director of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team since 1985, having been asked by Sri Chinmoy to serve in that capacity. As well as working on the big races the US Marathon Team organise each year - the 3100 Mile Race and the Six and 10 Day Race - he also spends a considerable amount of time archiving the Marathon Team's 40 year history on this website.
Queens, NY: November 12: 24 members of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon recently attended the screening of filmmaker Jessie Beers-Altman documentary film "The Spirit of A Runner" at the  Queens International Film Festival.  The film is about the annual Self Transcendence 3,100 Mile Race held in Queens, NY and focuses on the race's only female runner, Suprabha Beckjord. The film was well received by the audience.
For more information on the documentary please contact The Queens International Film Festival.