"Sri Chinmoy 70 Mile Run." Ultrarunning January-February 1984; page 38.
" 'He is one of the great American ultra runners, and this is the first time he's won a race. I'm happy to be second.' So commented poet Nathan Whiting, who led the race through 50 miles. Jewell took over the lead at 57 miles, and he had a 12 1/2 minute lead by the race's end. The next two places went to Prospect Park runners Prawda and Rios. Sue Medaglia was the only one of four women starters to finish."
- Don Jewell...........................9:21:36
- Nathan Whiting...................9:34:03
- Al Prawda...........................9:51:13
- Luis Rios...........................10:12:41
- Emile Laharraque..............10:19:25
- Trishul Cherns..................11:14:09
- Tim Kourounis..................11:28:09
- John Zanderzuk................11:34:08
- Sue Medaglia....................11:36:26
- Martin Yecies....................11:36:26
- Seetreeon Robinson..........12:06:14
- John Kenul........................12:21:30
- Howard Poupko................12:58:22
- Mitch Stein........................13:22:31