Pam Reed Completes 300 mile run
"It was the coolest experience running I ever had," said Pam Reed...
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by Mark Poepsel, KOLD News-13 Reporter
posted 3/29/05
"It was the coolest experience running I ever had," said Pam Reed minutes after completing a 300 mile run that lasted from early Friday morning through Monday afternoon.
It took more than 80 hours, with no sleep.
Along the way, dozens of people ran with her, some would have friends drop them off. They'd jump out of the car and run with her for five or 10 miles. She was almost never running alone.
"It's really cool people are excited about it. Something that's never been done before," she said.
In all likelihood this type of run has never been tried before. The Guinness Book of World Records website lists records for distance travelled in one hour, but not for distance run without sleep.
The distance is comparable to running from Tucson to Yuma, then going another 60 miles.
"I'm amazed I did it," she said. "I'm amazed at how good my body feels compared to even like a marathon."
Pam runs at an even pace, and she has lots of help. Besides those who run with her, she has a support crew of friends and fellow athletes who help feed her and keep her hydrated.
That group is 50 people in all.
"Pam is just an ordinary person with extraordinary talent. It was wonderful to be with her the past couple hours," said Jeff Balmat, an acquaintance who ran with Pam for 15 miles.
Bob Wolfe was up running with her at 2 a.m. every morning on her 25-mile loop between the Picacho Peak exit and Marana on the east-site I-10 frontage road.
"First, she's really a nice person, and she's got incredible amount of talent, never seen anybody with endurance like her," said Wolfe.
She ran into some problems but didn't give up.
"I didn't eat enough the last 25 miles. I forgot 25 miles is 25 miles," she said. "Ihope it inspires a lot of people. Any kind of activity is really good for you, makes you feel good."
Pam's family says she will fly to New York and appear on the Tony Danza show. 60 Minutes featured her this Sunday comparing her with her male counterparts in ultramarathon running.
Besides national TVappearances, she's looking ahead to a handful of marathons in the spring and summer.
Congratulations Pam from the SCMT. What an amazing accomplishment!